48V 1500W 27.5" Rear Wheel eBike Conversion Kits with LCD Display Delivery: Products areready in our warehouse in EU, weonly deliver to EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. Customs Duty: Send from EU, so it isduty free to all EU countries.(Please check above EU country list). Delivery Time: Normally we only need 1-3 working days to send out. Warranty: One year quality warranty (warranty is invalid for natural wearing or any damage due to wrong operation), we will exchange defective parts If you meet any problem, please firstly kindly check wiring diagram and FAQ below. Return Policy: We do our best to serve our customers. We will refund you if you return the itemswithin 15 daysof your receipt of the items and it is only the reason of product itself like wrong product, defect, damage, anything that is seller's fault, not the buyer's personal preference or failure to use. Besides, the items returnedmust be in their original conditions. Feedback: Your satisfaction and positive feedback is very important to us. Please leave positive feedback and 5 stars if you are satisfied with our items and services. We hope to be friends with every customer and share photos, video and experiences together. If you have any problems with our items or services,please feel free to contact us before you leave negative feedback.Otherwise we will don't give any warranty. Do you support wholesale or drop ship? Yes, we support both wholesale and drop ship sales.Please kindly contact us for more details. This kit include all you need to convert a bike to an E-bikeexcept the battery! (We also supply battery, please kindly check our battery category) 36V 1200W / 48V 1500W 27.5" Rear Wheel Conversion Kits Parts Including in this kit: 36V 1200W / 48V 1500W 27.5" RearMotorized Wheel with thread-on DNP 7-speed freewheel (11-13-15-18-21-24-28T), best speed ratio Quick Release Cable between Motor and Controller (easy for maintenance) 27.5x2.1" Maxxis Tire installed 36V/48V 40A 18 MOSFET Controller Controller Bag 5-level PAS LCD6 Display with USB port, support 5V Mobile Phone Charging 2 Brake Levers Half-bar Twist Speed Throttle withElectric Key Lock2ea. Handlebar Grips Pedelec Sensor (PAS) Battery Connecting Cable Disc Brake Washer and screws Motor Specification: 1) High Motor Efficiency: max 88.7% 2) Torque: max torque 75.1 N.m. 3) RPM: max 497.5 4)Speed: About 0-58km (different wheel size, road/weather condition and rider's weight will have different speed) 5) Hub Width (dropout): 142mm rear thread-on hub motor 6) Support standard 6-hole type disc brake 7) Rear Wheel with 7-speed DNP freewheel(11-13-15-18-21-24-28T), best speed ratio Controller Specification: 1) 36V/48V 40A 18MOSFET Sinusoidal Controller 2) Rated Voltage: DC36V or 48V universal 3) Rated Current: 20A 4) Max Current: 40 +/- 1A 5) Speed set: 1-4.2V 6) Brake Input: Low Level 7) Low Voltage Protection: DC30/40V +/- 0.5V 8) Compatible with LCD Display or without Display (need to plug LCD jumper connector) 9) Size: 256x82x41mm LCD Specification: 1) 24V, 36V or 48V universal 2) Function: 5-speed level PAS, turn on/off PAS, speed display, speed limit, Cruise,5-speed level throttle, max current setting,optional Regenerative braking function 3) With press key button: Up, Down, Power 4)5V USB output, can charge mobile phone 5) Size: 122x63x31mm Controller Connection Diagram: Installation Guidance: 1) Unscrew the existing rear wheel screws, remove your rear wheel; 2) Install the motorized wheel and fasten screws; 3) Attach LCD, Brake lever and throttle; 4) Put Controller at suitable position and connect all wires. 5) Turn on battery, throttle key and LCD, set correct value from LCD Correct wheel size setting: according to your wheel size Correct max speed setting: set it at max value 99 Correct P1-P5 setting: P1=46,P2=0,P3=0,P4=0,P5=12 Save all value and restart LCD display FAQ: 1)Doesyourrearwheelsupportdiscbrake? Yes,ourmotorwheelsupportstandard6-holetypediscbrake. If you want to install hydraulic disc brake, we recommend you to put a 5mm washer between disc brake rotor and motor (to add distance between motor and rotor to put thicker caliper) 2)Whycan'tturnonpower Pleasekindlycheckwhetherbatterypolesconnectwithcontrolleriscorrect; Pleasekindlycheckwhetherallconnectioncorrectandtight Pleasekindlycheckwhetheryouconnectelectriclockplugandturnonthrottlekey PleasekindlycheckwhetheryouturnonLCDDisplay 3)WhyafterIturnonpowerandturnthrottle,motordoesn'twork Pleasekindlycheckwhetherallpoweralreadyturnedon Pleasekindlycheckwhetherthrottleconnectioniscorrect(ThrottleisRed/Back/Bluewires) PleasekindlycheckPASspeedlevelonLCD,whetheritisnot0(0willturnoffPASandthrottle) 4)Whymyspeeddisplayisnotcorrect Pleasekindlycheckwhetheryouhavecorrectsetting: Correctwheelsizesetting:accordingtoyourwheelsize Correctmaxspeedsetting:setitatmaxvalue99 CorrectP1-P5setting:P1=46,P2=0,P3=0,P4=0,P5=12 5)Whyalwayscutoffduringriding Pleasekindlycheckwhetheryourbatterysupportenoughdischargecurrent(BatteryhasenoughcapacityandBatteryBMSboardsupportmaxcontinuousdischargecurrentat40A) PleasecheckwhethercontrollerMOSFETisburnedandshortcircuit 6)HowcanIactivecruisefunction IfyourcontrollerconnectLCDdisplay,pleasedon'tplugthejumperoncruiseconnector:SM-2YFemaleBlackConnectorwithBlack/Bluewires PleasesetC7=1fromLCD,saveandrestartLCD Withholdthrottleandkeepdefinitespeednotchange,press"Down"keyofLCDdisplayButton3secondsatsametime,cruisefunctionisactivated.Anyotheroperationwillcancelcruisefunction. Howtodisablecruisefunction:TosetC7=0save and restart willdisablecruisefunctionagain. Ifyourcontrollerdoesn'tconnectLCDdisplay,pleaseplugthejumperoncruiseconnector:SM-2YFemaleBlackConnectorwithBlack/Bluewires Whenholdthrottleandkeepdefinitespeednotchangeabout3seconds,cruisefunctionisactivated.Anyotheroperationwillcancelcruisefunction. Howtodisablecruisefunction Pleaseturnonpower Pleaseremovecruiseplug(smallblackplugofBlack/Bluewires) Turnoffpower Turnonpoweragain 7)Whyafterturnon,LCDshow"03_Info" Thisisbecauseofhallsensorabnormal,andmosttimeisbecausehallsensorwiresconnectiondoesn'tcontactwell,pleasekindlycheckthe5-wirehallsensorconnectorandalsoinsidewhetheranypinbentdoesn'tcontactwell.Ifusequickreleasewire,pleasekindlycheckwhetherconnectorpluggedverytight.Ifeveryconnectionisok,thenthemostpossiblereasonishallsensorburned.(Veryimportant:duringinstallation,ifneedtoremovethewhitehallsensorplug,pleasedon'tlethallsensorconnectorterminaltouchphaseconnectorterminal,otherwisehallsensorisveryeasytobeburned) 8)LCDC4setting C4=0:PAS0levelwillturnoffbothPASandThrottle,PAS1-5speedlevelonlyvalidforPASbutnotforThrottle C4=3:PAS0levelwillturnoffonlyPAS,Throttlestillwork,PAS1-5speedlevelonlyvalidforPASbutnotforThrottle C4=4:PAS0levelwillturnoffbothPASandThrottle,PAS1-5speedlevelisvalidforbothPASandThrottle 9)HowtoactivateRegenerativeFunction SetC13=1fromLCD,saveandrestartLCD.Duringbraking,batterywillbechargedback. 10)Whichbatteryshallchoose Youcanchoose36V/48VBattery(fullchargedvoltageshallbemaximal43.8/58.4V), Batterycapacitybestshould bemorethan15AH,batteryand battery BMSboardmustsupportmaxcontinuousdischargecurrentat40A,otherwisebatterywillalwayscutoff!

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